Mindy Totten

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A Question to Consider

A couple of weeks ago during a weekly small group coaching program videocall, the therapists in the group and I were talking. 

We were discussing several things that can come up for bodywork practitioners that can make you feel vulnerable and fearful. 

Things like raising prices. Or expanding your business. Or learning a new modality. Or putting your name out there. Or asking for help and support with your business.

Any one of these things can make your heart beat faster, your breathing get shallow, and your face turn red.

Ugh! Are the gross feelings worth it? Isn't it easier to just keep on doing what you're doing and hope that things will get better? (Or at least not get any worse?)

Well, yes, that can be easier, but at what price?

Without some of these (gulp) big shifts, your practice may not be sustainable. Or you may end up doing work that you find doesn't make your soul sing.

As we talked, though, we began to lean into another reality - the fear that can come up around going for it AND having it work.

What if you raise prices AND you get more clients?

What if you reach out for support and you are part of a program that puts you right where you want to be in your practice?

What if you put your name out there AND people respond and want to work with you?

What then?

One of the therapists in the group, Anna Maria Irvine, from the Northampton area of Massachusetts then brought up a wonderful question to the group:

How much excellence can you tolerate? 

Wow, what a concept!

We went on to discuss this idea and how it applies to our practices and to our lives.

We're often more comfortable in a state of pretty-goodness, rather than a state of excellence. Pretty good is fine. Pretty good can be easy. But pretty good is not excellence.

I thought about it just yesterday during a business meeting where someone suggested that one day perhaps there would be multiple branches of the Oasis Center for CranioSacral Therapy, my CST practice, all over North and South Carolina.

I kind of laughed and shrugged it off, and then I thought, "Wait a minute. How much excellence can I tolerate?"

And while I don't even know if multiple sites is part of my heart's calling, the question made me shift my perspective and think of things in a different light.

Where have I been selling myself short out of fear, or just out of not even giving myself the chance to consider something better?


This is the time to plan, dream, and take steps toward your vision of a perfect practice.

I invite you to contemplate Anna Maria's question and ask yourself how much excellence you can tolerate.

Reflect on this idea, and let me know what comes up for you. I'd love to hear your thoughts.

Here's to excellence in your practice and in your life!