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Setting Goals for Your Business When Everything is Crazy|

Business and Marketing for Massage and Bodywork Therapists

Episode 33.


Hey Hey there. Welcome back to the Do It With Intention podcast. I'm your host, Mindy Totten. Last week we looked at how you can take baby steps right now in your business by taking the time that you have right now, to put a plan in place to practice. Building your planning muscle today before you get overwhelmed, when you're trying to plan, before you get overwhelmed by all the stuff that you could be doing right now to build your business foundation.

I want to talk to you about the kinds of goals you should be setting right now. Figuring this out had such a big impact on my practice. We're often taught that goals need to be huge. These giant reach for the stars, smart goals, these big goals are called outcome goals. These are things that we aspire to like seeing 20 clients each week or earning six figures in revenue.


The problem is that outcome goals are out of our control. Think about it. You can't just make 20 random people come in for bodywork each week and just like so much is out of our control in the world right now. We don't have control over outcome goals. What we do have control over is our process goals.


Process goals are the steps you need to take to accomplish the outcome goals. You may not be able to control how many people come in for an appointment each week, but you can control, for example, how many new practitioners you reach out to every week to build your referral network. So that one day they can refer people to you and you can get your outcome goal of 20 clients per week, and here is a pro tip for you.


Think about this. Consistency is key. This is so, so important. You cannot give up on your process goals. If you reach out to someone and you don't hear back, follow up or contact someone else or maybe contact them in a different way. If you send out your email newsletter, you need to do it consistently.


Consistency is key. It's so much better to send something to your folks once a month, every month than to shower them with newsletters everyday for a week and then they never hear from you again. It's not what you do once in a while that matters. It's what you do consistently. If you want this to work, you've got to commit.


You've got to show up and showing up. Does it mean showing up once in a while? It means showing up again and again and again for your business. If you're not following through, you're not going to get the results that you want. Think about what you sometimes hear your clients say, Oh, I tried massage once, but it didn't work.


Well, that's like saying, you know, I had a salad once and I didn't lose weight, or I cleaned my house once, but it got dirty again. You've got to show up again and again and again for your business. Putting yourself out there and being as detached as possible from the outcome. When you show up and you implement your plan for your business, you are going to be amazed at the results that you see.


A true pro and CEO shows up again and again and again consistently to do the work you need to do to build a solid business foundation and grow your practice. Remember, focus on the process goals and the outcome goals will take care of themselves. Think about it this way. I process goal is check off a bubble.


It's something that you can check off. So if we use the example maybe of wanting to lose five pounds, you're, that's your outcome goal. You can't make yourself lose five pounds. You can't just will it to be so, but you can take the steps that you can check off each and every day. You can take the steps, your process goals on the way to that outcome goal.


So you might say, Oh, I'm going to go to the gym five days a week. And each day that you do that, it's checkoff Hubble, you've done that, or I'm not going to have sugar for a week. You check that off, and those process goals lead to the outcome goal. You might not have much control right now over outcome goals, but you can continue to work on your process goals, taking those baby steps time and time again.


Okay. Next week we're going to talk about three action steps that you can take right now to begin to shore up your business foundation in your practice. Until then, keep your head in the game and keep doing it with intention.