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How to Make Your Massage or Bodywork Business Stand Out from the Crowd

with Sharvette Mitchell

Business and Marketing for Massage and Bodywork Therapists

Episode 43.


Mindy:  Hey, Hey there. Welcome, Sharvette Mitchell to the Do It With Intention podcast!

Sharvette: Thank you for having me Mindy. I am excited to be here.

Mindy: I am so excited to talk with you and share all of your knowledge, your wisdom, and your wonderful ideas with my listeners.

But before we do that, I want to do something that I do with every guest who comes on the show. I want to ask you to share something with us that very few people know about you, and then I'll do the same.

Sharvette: Hmm. Okay. I am an ambivert, which a lot of people know what an extrovert is. And a lot of people know what an introvert is.

And most people, Mindy assume I'm an extrovert. I don't know. My personality is big I'm on Facebook lives and all that kind of stuff. So, they assume I'm an extrovert, but actually I'm right in the middle. I thrive off of yes. Engagement and interaction with people, but then I get refueled with that alone time.

So, I'm a combination

Mindy: now. I think I may be an ambivert too. Now that you're saying that, because I think similar Mo a lot of people think that I am, you know, all out there because I do get a lot of energy from other people, you know, I really do. And at the end of the day, Given my choice. I like to be alone, you know, to, to kind of recharge and re I always.

So, Sharvette and I are, we're part of a mastermind together and we would have these, the group would have these really, helpful, energetic, you know, everybody thinking and, you know, being there for each other, these really incredible days. And then at the end of the day, I would just have to go back.

To my hotel room and just kind of be, huh? Is that how you were?

Sharvette: Yeah.

Mindy: Yeah. Okay. So I think I'm an ambivert as well. Well, my thing I'm going to share is not nearly as interesting. but get this share that I cannot write with a regular pencil.

I can't write with a pencil that has the six little edges on it. It has to be a round pencil. Isn't that bizarre?

Mindy: I say that because most of the people listening, probably cracking up at this because we all use our hands all day, every day. So we. Tend to have little idiosyncrasies that go along somehow with our hands and mine is that I can't write unless the, the.

You tensile writing with his round, whether it's a pencil or a pen or whatever. So, yeah. put that into your,

Sharvette: in your memory bank, really

Mindy: unimportant information. So Sharvette thank you so, so much for joining us today. Can you tell my listeners a little bit about your journey? Sharvette is wonderful at so, so many things, but I'd love to hear, and we're going to focus today on branding, but I'd love to hear sort of how you started out and how you got to where you are today.

Sharvette: Wow. So my business and actually really just how I started out in this space, happened probably about 12 years ago at a kitchen table.

One of my girlfriend's kitchen table, her name is Edwin and Moses, and she was starting a medical consulting business. And so, my degree is in marketing from VCU. Go. if you see Rams and we were doing so we were doing brochures and we were doing business cards, just kind of our own things like on Vista print.

And, she did not have a website. And so I stopped us and I said, wait a minute. We, before we go print all of this stuff off, we should. Put up a website or, or have a website address to put on the stuff. I said, I'll go figure that out. So I went and figured out this rinky dink website, it's no longer there.

It looked a mess if we looked at it today. but I figured out figured this thing out. And then, I started doing kind of websites for free. Like, Hey, you need a website. Hey, I'll do a website. And people started asking me, and then one day I stopped and I said, wait a minute. I think people pay for this, like paid for, and I realized that I had a business.

And so that's how the business got started. And at the time I was working full time in corporate America, and continue kind of on that journey of doing the side hustle kind of side gig type of mentality and still, I got probably about five. Years ago, five, four or five years ago where I said, you know, what would this look like if I really like threw my whole weight into this?

And when I started working with web design clients, Things like branding came up because as a web designer, I'm as like somebody that offers web design services, I'm presenting their brand. it's those in pictures and colors. And then, well, what are you doing on social media? And then all of those kinds of your whole entire platform, your whole entire brand started to be about the conversation with my clients.

And that's how my business. Started really growing and moving more into the consulting space. And so I've been a full time business owners and February, 2018. And I have absolutely zero regrets.

Mindy: So good, good. I didn't know that you had been at it that long. I, and I didn't know, you went to VCU Rams.

Yeah. I'll how about that? I love your work so much because. You know, we hear particularly massage and bodywork therapists. We hear that to have our own business, to have our own practice. We need to have quote unquote, I'm doing air quotes here, a brand, and you know, none of us went into massage school or bodywork school.

To learn how to create a brand. We just want to help people. We just want to be of service to people. So what I see happening in so many of my students inside the bodywork project or private mentoring and in the larger community as a whole, I see one of two things happening with branding. Either. Number one, people think they have to have it.

Absolutely perfect. It has to. Be stunning, you know, like if it's not perfect, they're not going to put it out there. You know, they'll wait and they'll spend thousands and thousands and thousands of dollars on creating a again, quote, unquote, brand that then doesn't really match who they are or the work that they want to do.

So that's one mistake that I see people make the other side. Going back to Vista print that you brought up is just saying, you know, branding doesn't really mean anything. And so let me just order some cards from Vista print and I'm done. That's my brand. So I would love to hear your input on what specifically massage and body workers.

Again, this is not our, our forte, like.

Sharvette: Right.

Mindy: Creating this wonderful brand, what are two or three things that Bodyworkers can do simple things that will help them start to create a cohesive brand.

Sharvette: Yeah. And I definitely know that you all are in a unique position in any unique space. And really when people get you all services, they are buying into you.

Quite honestly, you're not a target, you're not a Louis Baton. You're not  bath and body works. They are buying into you. So the personal connection and brand to you is important. And so, one of the first things we have to think about is what. Draws attention to you. And that can feel uncomfortable.

I would suspect in some places where you're like, no, I'm more behind the scenes. You know, I'm that one-on-one working with my clients one on one, and it may feel uncomfortable to raise, to have this visibility on you as a brand. But there are a couple of things you can do for that three basic things. I'm gonna talk about number one, brand colors.

And so that is typically in their ours, psychological meanings to colors, but quite frankly, like you don't have to spend three months on trying on figuring this out. You know, you can work with a branding specialist or branding firm, or you can do it yourself, and determined. Look at your clients and think about your target market.

Are you targeting men? Are you targeting female? Are they older? Are they younger and think about what colors they would like, and that would attract them. And typically you have two to five brand colors.

Mindy: I was just going to ask like, okay, how many colors are we talking about?

Sharvette: Typically the main colors usually have about two main colors and about three accent colors.

Want to kind of be technical. and then the key thing is you pick them and you stick with, so pick them and be consistent. Here's what happens, Mindy. I will come to your facility and you have this beautiful lavender's and calming blues, but then I'll go to your website and your website is green and yellow.

And then I get an email from you. And the email is. And so all of that is disjointed. And so it actually is disjointed for your customer.

Mindy: I see that all the time sharp that I see, exactly what you're saying, like, seashells in the, in the massage treatment room. And then there are hands like a diagram of hands on the business cards and nothing kind of.

Flowers. Okay. So you're saying colors and consistency.

Sharvette: Yes. So pick and determined. And again, whether you do that yourself or work with a branding specialist, pick in determined to two to five branding colors, and then be consistent with them because your brand in particular is, is multidimensional. So you have an offline brand and you have an online brand.

And what you can not do is contradict one another. Just the example, you described a comment to your, your shop or your studio and ICC shales, but then I might go to your website or I might meet you some other kind of way and there's Hanes. So if you're gonna use seashells in the shop, we should see seashells on your, on your website.

So consistent. Offline and online, anything that you do, we should be able to go to your Instagram, go to look at an email and we should know your brand colors right away.

Mindy: Okay. Okay, great. All right. So that's the first step.

Sharvette: Yes. And so then number two, professional photography. And again, I know behind the scenes and all of that, you might feel like I'll have half the time.

I'm not wearing makeup because I'm, I'm getting my hands. You know, I'm in there, I'm working on my clients. However people are for your line of work. They're again, they're connecting with you. And so you want to have a beautiful, picture of yourself. and because you're going to use it on social media, you're going to use it, in your website, you're going to use it in pamphlets.

the other thing that you can do is if you have a really great location, if your studio I'm having picks professional photography, hire a photographer, and there are photographers at barriers. Price points nowadays, you don't have to get beyond say's photographer. There are photographers at all kinds of price points.

so if you do have a studio also consider photography for your studio, because what you want to do is create show the imagery. For your clients so that they make the decision looking at your site or looking at whatever that this is the person that I want to come and change my body work life.

Mindy: Right.

Well, that makes so much sense. Sharvette because as you started off saying, you know, we are the brand in our industry, it's, it's us, you know, we like to think it's our modality, you know, like craniosacral therapy, but let's face it. There are thousands of people who. Who practiced craniosacral therapy.

There's only one of me, so we are the brand. So it's so, so important that people see us run our website, for example. And I see that mistake a lot. I see, you know, I think it's called top of the fold, right? So the first thing that you see on the website is a picture of a Rose or the picture of a sunrise or something like that.

And you don't see the person actually doing the hands on work. Until deep, deep into the website. And what I'm hearing you saying is it's important and it makes complete sense. It's important for people to see you because they are trusting you in a very vulnerable setting, you know, to help them on their healing journey.

So professional photography that's do they have to have, I see a lot of this Sharvette what do you think about this? A lot of stock photos of like, just hands on a face or hands on a back or. Hands with candle behind it or something like that. What do you think of that?

Sharvette: So you can use stock photography, however, you still need some of your photography mixed in.

And if you get a good photographer, like the photographer I use, she shoots your own stock photography. So our photo shoots, when we do them for clients, it's pictures of the clients. It's shots of the clients working. It's a location of the clients. And then it's also stopped. You know, if you see if we come into your studio and they're seashells and a notebook, she will take a picture of that.

So now you have your own stock photography. So I would encourage you to think in that realm. again, there's so many different people doing what you do, what can, what can be that little bit to make that person. Stop scrolling or make that person pause and say, that's who I want to be. You know, the person that services me today.

And I also want to mention, the about page of the website. If you go to Google and say, what's the most visited page on a website? It's the about page. People want to know who, who is this, who who's behind this. And so you definitely want to make sure that your picture is on the about page. I'm a proponent of having it on the home page too, but definitely on the about page.

Mindy: Yeah, I agree. And I can't tell you how many people. now as well when I'm doing the coaching and the mentoring, but before, when I was doing only hands on craniosacral therapy, I can't tell you how many people said I saw your picture. And I just knew by looking at your face that you were, who I wanted to work with, or, you know, I saw in your eyes that that's, that you are the person who I needed to work with.

So I couldn't.

Sharvette: Yeah. Yeah. It's a connection, that people and they're, so there's a lot out there and sometimes people might be scared of scams or they might already be apprehensive, that this is going to work. And so what can you do to ease that and to establish, you know, your, this visibility and this credibility in their eyes

Mindy: and professionalism too, you know, because there are a lot of.

I shouldn't say a lot. There are some massage and bodywork therapists who aren't, like you said, on the up and up. So to, you know, put yourself out there to show who you are and ideally working with someone or on someone that gives you that professionalism and that credibility. That's a great, great idea.

Okay. So we've got our colors and consistency. We've got professional photos of ourselves, hopefully doing some of the work.

Sharvette: Yup. Yup. And remember that when you do take your professional photography, that you are dressed in colors complimentary to your brand. Colors that you picked in the first step.

Mindy: So important.

I know that you and I have spoken about this cause we see websites all the time where, cause this was hard for me to do in my Mindy totten.com website because I tend to wear really, really bright colors. But all of my colors for the website are very muted. They're subtle they're beach colors. So I had to find things that I might not usually wear grays and.

Tufts and things like that, so that it didn't look like this really lovely, subtle background. And then me showing up in like a lime green. Whatever, you know,

Sharvette: at that, you know, it's hard and it's so true. I had a client I was working with and, and these are, this is the thing. Many of these are small things, but they are profound things because they really carry through out really the rest of your brand.

I had a client that we were creating a new website and she said, Oh, I just want to get pictures done. So I'm like, great. Show me the pictures. We'll. So the website, her logo was. Green and orange, I'm a Kelly Green and orange. So that's what we were creating. She went into pictures in a lilac lavender jumper with a black and white Stripe.

So. So not only, so the colors are literally like clashing, not even, you know, it almost, if you had muted colors in this pop of color might be okay. Right, right. Literally, you know, colors clashing. So, at the least make sure they are at least complimentary. even if you are not in exactly. you know, you're like, for example, a muted, a muted mob, and a muted blue, I might be your brand colors, but you could do it.

Perhaps you have this beautiful muted Sage green top. That looks great. That will compliment those colors versus lilac and Navy and black Stripe jacket against orange and green.

Mindy: Gotcha. Gotcha. Okay. So, those are two great, great tips to start

Sharvette: off with, leave out the third tip. All right. I can't leave this out.

And this may staying and may feel uncomfortable for some, but the third thing that I have to say is that video. In this day and age, you, you have to think about incorporating video as a part of your visual brand. So we have your colors. We have photography. Now we have video that's in play. and this can be two types of video prerecorded video that you pick up your phone and record.

You might be, in your studio, you might be doing, you know, getting in between appointments. You might be giving tips. To help people drink water before you come drink water, after you leave, you know, those types of things. So you could do prerecorded video. but then you also can do live experiences. So we have so many options now with Instagram live Facebook live.

So you want to visually think about those things, your video, when you are thinking about your overall brand. And so, and it's the quickest way to get attention on

Mindy: yourself. Okay. I can see some of my listeners heads literally exploding at the thought of having to do video. So what would be a way to kind of gently dip your toe in the water for video?

So I love that

Sharvette: question

Mindy: because I'm like, Oh man, no one. I can see people there and say, no, hell no. Am I put in a big old video of myself on my homepage? So what would, what would be a way? Cause I think it's. So, so important again, the relate-ability letting people know who you are. Do you resonate with one another?

I think it's so, so important.

Sharvette: Yeah. So, from a space of social media, but in this could even also be on your website. the camera does not have to be on you. And so the video can be about the experience. Okay. So let's go back to your studio or wherever. you know, you are, you're performing your massage and bodywork therapy.

perhaps you're walking into the studio, you're showing, you know, this is, this is the table. Let me show you some essential oils that I use. Let me, let me, let you hear some of the relaxing music that we have playing in our atmosphere. So a way to get in is to not have you in the video, but do videos about the experience.

You can also do videos kind of behind the scenes about your day, you know, how you're prepping or let's see, I have a few, I'm looking down at my calendar right now. We have some openings, if you, if you want and you, and you could have the. Oh with you actually looking, showing openings on your calendar. So those are ways that does ease and where you are not actually on camera.

Now here's another thing you might have clients who will be willing to do a testimonial. Probably, you know, if you have repeat clients and it'd be great if they did a video testimonial, probably catch it before the, the massage versus after. Cause it's so relaxed, but, some clients may be willing to say, Hey, could you like a 32nd 52nd video?

And then that's something you can include. you know, in Facebook Insta stories and Instagram stories.

Mindy: Your social media. Those are great ideas. You just gave me the idea for a before and after video testimonial. So our son comes in, they're all, you know, tense. And then, then afterwards, Hey, I just had my, my body work session.

I love it.

Sharvette: And now for your website, you probably, you want a little bit more professional video. And so there are tons of ways. Tons of. Of sites and apps and stuff where you can do video with pictures, stock photos, or going back to the photos from your photo shoot. And then there's just either music playing with words, or your voice over.

Even if you were working with a photographer, they can record your voice and you, again, never in the video, but it could be pictures of you or stock photos. and that again, helps to make people comfortable. The last thing I'll say about that is I picked. The current gynecologist that I have, because when I went to the Virginia women's health website in my primary care referred me there and I had to pick a physician, a gynecologist, she had a video on her page.

They had different doctors and, and I don't remember everyone. I feel like everyone didn't, but she had a video on her page to sharing kind of where she went to school. Things she likes to do in that head that made me decide to go with that gynecologist.

Mindy: Right? Cause you had that comfort level already.

You felt like you knew her already. Those are wonderful ideas Sharvette so that gives all of my listeners a place to start with your brand, with your branding. And I want to dive a little bit, even deeper because something that you and I have discussed a whole lot is this idea of a premium. Customer experience and we've shared ideas back and forth.

And I think it's really important for my listeners to recognize there's a big difference between the work that you do, the hands on services that you provide. That's one piece of it because everyone listening to this podcast, frankly, has got wonderful hands on skills, huge hearts. There's a difference between the hands on skills and then the customer experience, you know, I'm, you can be a great neuromuscular therapist and your clients can still not have a wonderful premium client experience.

And I always say, we're going to charge. Premium prices for premium services and services include the hands on work and everything else. So can you share some ideas? What does that mean to you to have a premium client experience and what are some ideas to really have a great customer experience?

Sharvette: Yes. And here's the thing, Mindy, it folds into your branding.

So this client experience that you are creating goes right along with your brand. And so one of the things that I do for premium clients that I have in a, in a year long, Group coaching that I have called the platform builders is that quarterly. They receive a branded box from me. So it's an actual box brand colors.

Pictures was actual physical box. And I have a theme every quarter. and actually the things that go in the box or not. Per se work-related I do send them a workbook, each, you know, each quarter that's about what we're going to be talking about. And of course that's with my brand colors and all of that.

But the box is to say, I'm con I appreciate you as a person. And so here's some things in this box that adjust. For you. So the first one I did for 2020 was a movie night box. and this branded box again with my colors, pictures, and then, you know, some popcorn and some, some fuzzy socks and some things inside.

this is what happened. This is what happened. The clients started jumping on social media. Taking pictures of their box, taking pictures, doing little videos, putting it in their Insta stories and in their Facebook lives. So it showcase, my brand, of course, the branding, but then it showcase the experience that they were feeling.

So the other people that are looking at. This program saying, Oh, wow. I really like, she really takes care of her clients. So if there are gifts that you can brand it gifts or gifts that can have your logo on it, that you can give to clients in particular, if you have reoccurring reoccurring clients, even t-shirts.

nowadays are not that expensive to get, you know, created. And so if you give especially a reoccurring client, one of your tee shirts, they ended up being a walking billboard for

Mindy: yeah. Yeah. That's I, I do that for the craniosacral side of my business. during the initial session, it's as much sort of a welcome to my office package and what you're talking about happening.

Sharvette is something that we talk about all the time inside the bodywork project, your clients are so happy are getting such good results. You're taking such good care of them that they end up doing most of your marketing for you.

Sharvette: Absolutely.

Mindy: Yeah. That referrals. And they're talking you up. And so, so many Bodyworkers feel uncomfortable being quote, unquote, visible, you know, putting themselves out there, talking about themselves, talking about their services.

And they don't realize that if you take really good care of your clients, they will do that for you. They will talk about how great you are. They will say that you are worth every penny. And so I love that idea, you know, and in bodywork it can also that premium client experience can be about things that are so simple that we take them for granted.

But there's so, so important. Getting back to people immediately. Spellchecking and proofing everything that you put out to make sure that you don't have mistakes in them calling people by their name. You know, there's so many of these, automated scheduling systems and things like that. And they just get the same message from everybody.

But if you, if you. Tailor yours. So that it sounds like you, like it's coming from you. People notice those things, people, you know, I'm, I'm a huge fan as you know of the written letter. And I'm like, I'm like the only person in the country who still writes letters, but it's important to me because it allows me to slow down and take the time to say what's really in my heart, what I really mean for people.

So in my cranial, Practice. I will often follow up with a handwritten letter. and then in my mentoring and coaching, I do that as well. I think that that's, it makes you stand out also, which is what you're talking about. Sort of being a level above.

Sharvette: Absolutely. And that's where the, you know, Lux service Lux clients.

And even to that appointment scheduling, what I hear from clients is like, so it was so easy to schedule. This was so seamless. This was so smooth. So even. Just making sure tightening up that, whatever the appointment scheduling and reminder system you have in place, that, that moves smoothly because a lot of times people have bumps in the road with that, that even that alone will push you up to a more Luxe, experience because they like every time I schedule, every time I have an appointment, it's smooth.

It goes through

Mindy: it's professional.

Sharvette: Yeah. Some extra, you know, branded pins or. Or notepads, or if you can get t-shirts or even a branded box or people do bags, something like that, people really are. They get. Just get excited about it. That's great.

Mindy: Sharvette I want to ask you your opinion. I don't know.

be like, well, I don't know about this many, but I, you know, I keep going back to what we've been talking about and having pictures of yourself, showing up, being invisible, being out there. What do you do? What advice do you have for a massage or bodywork therapist who may be starting. His or her own business and doesn't yet have the confidence, you know, I hear it all the time.

I don't want to put my picture on my website because I'm funny looking, they don't say that, but, or I sound stupid on video, so I'm not going to do video or, I just don't feel comfortable. It's not about me. It's about the clients. I'd love to hear your thoughts just about how do we. Particularly as women, most of my students are women.

How do we step into that power and show up in the world?

Sharvette: So, first thing is to recognize that it's fear and it is fear of visibility. And so sometimes people have a fear of failure and I, and it won't work and I'm going to, and it's not going to come out the way I want it. But there's another side of that, that there is fear of success.

And sometimes, that's what some of the clients may be feeling is that it actually is fear of success. Cause if I put my, if I raise my visibility and put myself out there, what if this blows up. And I can't handle it. and so from a confidence level, I love, love, love talking about confidence because a lot of times people look at people and say, Oh, they're so confident.

I wish I could be confident. Like them. Most people are not confident in 100%. Of every area of their lives. They might be confident in one area, but then they have low confidence in another area. I would bet if we could, could have a Oprah Winfrey, on this podcast with us, she could attest that she is not 100% confident in every area of her life.

That's why in business, in relationship that's one. So here's how you trick yourself. Really. For confidence. You only need a little bit more confidence than you need fear. Then you have fear. So you don't need a hundred percent confidence. You just need 51% confidence. You can steal him. I'm serious 49%. So where the person saying I'm not confident, all I need you to get to was 51% confidence.

You can still operate in. I promise you people that you're looking at, that you aspire to you think that have reached it. They are not operating at a hundred percent confidence. They have just figured out how to operate at more confidence than their fear factor. So fear you could still be 49% as long as you are 51%.

And then what happens is your confidence grows. Confidence grows from preparation. So if they're new and starting out, some of that could be, could be a comparison game. I'm just starting out on and out the kinks. But as your preparation and your business grows, your confidence will grow, but you just need 51% confidence to get out the gate.

Mindy: I love 51% confidence. I talk about, working toward mastery. So, you know, there, there's no way that getting out of massage school, we know everything that we need to know or that we're ever going to learn about our modality, about working with clients about business, but taking that baby step every single day.

I'm going to now start saying toward that 51%, because it doesn't have to be, you know, a hundred percent just continuing to work toward mastery, showing up, putting yourself out there, baby step by baby step. You're absolutely right. It does get easier. And Sharvette, I can't tell you how much I appreciate.

The 51% idea, because I hear a lot of people say fake it till you make it. And I'm not on board with that, especially in the bodywork modality. So, you know, we're not going to fake that. We feel the craniosacral rhythm, for example, I want you to actually feel it right. But there is that. That space where we need to work toward that.

So working toward that 51%, it's kind of like that snowball going up right. 51%. And then it starts to go downhill.

Sharvette: Yeah. Oh yeah, because the process is your teacher.  the process. That's what I tell my clients, the process. I, I give you the tools. I can give you the strategy and whatever genre, whatever industry you're in, but until you get in and are doing it, practical application, the process teaches you.

And then as you are taught, then you, then your confidence raises, right. And your capability and your mastery goes up.

Mindy: Right. Oh, this has been so helpful. Sharvette I feel like, I feel like we could just talk for like three or four more hours, which would be great fun. I want to, let people know where they can find you or contact you.

I know you've put together a website planner for my audience. Can you tell us a little bit about where they can? Well, we'll put the link in the show notes for sure, but where can they find you and find out more?

Sharvette: Yes. So I'm website, planner.biz website, planner.biz. It's a great complimentary resource. If you don't have a website at all, or maybe you, you did something on your own and, this.

Planner really kind of will give you some ideas. Do you have testimony? It was one of your sites. What are brand colors? I actually have a brand color, chart in there that talks about the meaning of colors.

Mindy: I saw that I was, I was so great. And you also have tips for photo shoots to be really helpful for people.


Sharvette: Yeah. So grab that on website, planner.biz, and that will really, really be helpful for you. And then on the internet, I am Sharvette Mitchell. And so Sharvette mitchell.com will take you to my main website. And then, Facebook, Twitter, Periscope, YouTube it's Sharvette that's S H a R V E T D E. And Instagram only it's Charlotte M because somebody else,

Mindy: no, there's another Sharvette

Sharvette: he's not using it.

So you never posted anything.

Mindy: We're not, you're not bitter.

Sharvette: I'm not bitter. I just sent an inbox. I was like, can I have a page if you're not using it, but probably lost the login, but anyway, Charlotte on Instagram, but Charlotte, everywhere else, but Sharvette mitchell.com will get you to everything that's about.


Mindy: And as we finish up here, Sharvette I want to ask you what does doing it with intention mean to you?

Sharvette: You know what we kind of float through life and business sometimes just kind of, especially in the air and where we are in what we're experiencing in the world now, you know, day becomes night, day becomes night, David, and then next thing you look around and you're like, we're at the end of June already.

So to me doing it with intention is about pauses. It's about, about intentionally pausing. Let me take in my day, let me take in what's around me. Let me take in the people around me. And so it's, to me, it's about having pauses in life.

Mindy: That's beautiful. Sharvette Mitchell. Thank you so much for joining us today.

Sharvette: Thank you for having me. This was a blast