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Celebrating Business Milestones + Stillpoints|

Business and Marketing for Massage and Bodywork Therapists

Episode 52.

MINDY TOTTEN: Hey hey there. Welcome back to the Do It With Intention podcast! I’m your host, Mindy Totten, and I have a really quick episode for you today because today is a huge day for us.

This is actually the 52nd episode of the Do It With Intention podcast. All right. So I want to celebrate with you by talking a little bit about business celebrations, milestones, and what I call business still points because I have to tell you I am not actually very good at celebrating myself now.

I'm. Awesome. I'm terrific at celebrating other people. My students, my friends, my dog, George. In fact, I'm usually the one that's telling everybody else. You know, don't let things slide by, have you taken a chance to celebrate this?

But I find in my own life, in my own work, you know, I set a goal for myself, and then when I hit that goal, I'm happy, but I really generally don't take very much time to celebrate it. I'm usually just boom, onto the next goal.

And I think for several reasons, it's very important to celebrate. You know, anything in our life that, you know, some kind of a goal or accomplishment, and particularly in our businesses, if we want our businesses to grow so that they can, we can be of service to more people.

There's that piece that celebrating gives you gratitude. It puts, it shifts the energy around your business so that you can. Be more and help more and appreciate more. And your people will. Reap the benefits of you taking the time and the energy to celebrate your business milestones. So why is it? I was thinking about this a lot.

You know, why is it that we don't celebrate ourselves? And it can be from childhood. I know that's partly for me, you know, my message was, you know, don't toot your own horn, you know, let other people recognize you, but don't toot your own horn. Don't get too big for your britches. That was another one that my mom used to say.

You know, when I would come home all excited about something, don't get too big for your bridges. it could also be because. Were women, the majority of massage and bodywork therapists are women. And of course we're not encouraged to step into our power and to share our successes and achievements. It might also be, and this is another thing I do that we're so busy doing that we don't take the time.

Being, we don't take the time to be and to celebrate. As I said, this is me. Once I achieve something, achieve a certain goal. I'm off to the next one. So today I am going to teach by example, I'm going to celebrate 52 podcast episodes. It's actually not quite been. One year, because when the Corona virus hit, we did a whole bunch of bonus episodes to help all of our listeners.

I also have done a couple of series where I've interviewed, you know, five people during one week or whatever. So we actually started last October, mid October, but it's episode number 52. So I said, okay, Mindy, you have do walk your walk your talk, or right. And do this and celebrate. So. I want, as I said, I want to encourage you to celebrate your milestones too.

So whether it's getting your first client or having a full schedule one week or hitting a revenue goal, it's so, so important that you celebrate and honor yourself and your progress and to celebrate, I'm sharing this news with you. So I'm, you know, celebrating the thing, you know, quick aside when I first.

Had the idea for this podcast and decided yeah. That I was going to do it. Of course I did research because that's me, to figure out how this would all work and whether it would be a good fit for me. I learned that the average podcast, because people are starting podcasts every single day, cause zillions of people, the average podcast only lasts 12 episodes.

I know, I couldn't believe that. So I said to myself, okay, Mindy, you can start this, you can do this, but you've got to go at least 13 episodes. So here we are at episode number 52. So I'm sharing this and I'm also going to sharing to celebrate, but I'm also going to do. To celebrate for myself. I'm going to do something that I call a business still point.

So if you are a craniosacral therapy practitioner, you are aware of course, of what we call a still point in craniosacral therapy, which is when the cerebral spinal fluid comes to this nice gentle pause, kind of. Just stops in this beautiful pause that we call a still point. And that's basically the body kind of resetting or rebooting, just giving it kind of a chance to pause and before it starts up again, and when the system, the craniosacral rhythm begins again, it's.

Not always, but generally it has much more ease of flow and it expresses itself in a bigger way. And so that's what I'm going to do. And I invite you to try that as well. A business still point, I'm going to take a couple of days off next week and I'm going to close my laptop, not look at anything. Just read a couple of awesome books.

I have tried to go to the beach a couple of days and just really. celebrate the fact that I have created 52 episodes of the Do It With Intention podcast. So what can you celebrate? Even with everything that's happened in the past couple of months, I invite you to celebrate something, even something teeny tiny in your practice, how can you celebrate and how can you share and how might you take a business still point that's it for this week.

I want you to celebrate, and celebrate with intention.