Important question for massage and bodywork therapists
who despite completing over 500 hours of intensive, specialized training,
still don’t have a sustainable business:
If there was an efficient, step-by-step method for creating a profitable and sustainable bodywork business
without the magical thinking, pushy sales tactics, or crippling “what the heck do I do next” syndrome…
Would you finally feel confident enough to commit to creating
a solid foundation for the business side of your practice?
Every day, there are people in pain who are looking for the relief your work can offer.
Question is:
Can you really be of service doing the work you love
if you’re barely keeping your practice doors open?
If you know in your heart that this is the work you are meant to do
— serving others and making the the world a touch kinder —
being able to do that work rests heavily on the answer to this question.
If you know without a doubt
That you’re not reaching the ideal people who could be truly helped by your work
Your current approach to working on your business feels random at best, draining your energy while failing to attract a steady stream of the exact clients who would make all your work feel worth it…
Then Keep Reading…
Because what follows could EASILY be the most pivotal moment you look back on a few months from now when your practice is filling up with people who love the work you do, who are getting life-changing results from that work, and who aren’t afraid to invest in their own healing journeys.
But First…
A Moment in the Life of a Big-Hearted Bodyworker
You thought that if you were a great therapist, business growth would unfold organically, but that’s just not happening.
And even though you’re diffusing ylang ylang and lavender in your treatment room, you still feel the stress -- in your shallow breathing, your tight shoulders, and worst of all, in your hands.
Maybe one day, a client texts you 15 minutes before her appointment to cancel, so you have a wasted hour with no client and no income.
Discouraged and depleted, you look at your appointment book for the next week and get a pit in your stomach because of all the blank appointment slots staring back at you.
So you decide to actually add up the numbers on your calculator -- how much you’re bringing in, and how much is going out.
You feel the tears coming, and your throat tightens because you realize that you’re not earning enough in your bodywork business to keep your office doors open.
You’re disheartened and lost, doubting whether you can really make a living doing the work you love.
And the worst thing of all is that you know you’re a good therapist, but you feel so alone because you don’t know what to do to make your business work.
It’s a moment that can make you feel like a total fraud
(or in my case, a big-time failure).
I still remember this moment on my own journey.
I had made the switch from offering massage to focusing on CranioSacral Therapy, the work I knew I was meant to do.
And while I had been scraping by in my business for a couple of years, looking at my almost-empty appointment book that day drove home a hard truth for me:
If I didn’t do something about my business — FAST — I wasn’t going to have a business.
But the most painful part wasn’t the fact that I was putting my financial future at risk…
It was that I would no longer be able to serve the people who needed the therapeutic work I could provide.
That moment was a painful, agonizing experience for me.
But even still…
I’m grateful that I had it.
Grateful if you can see yourself in it.
Because that single moment… and the ACTIONS you take to be able to finally step up and create a solid business foundation, hold the key to your flourishing bodywork practice.
Shouldn’t you be able to do the work you love
and make a great living doing it?
Let’s be real:
You didn’t get into this work to be a flashy sales maven or a gazillionaire.
You don’t need (or even want) 50+ clients every week.
You just want to be able to do your beautiful work, help people who are in pain, and have some financial security for you and your family.
And at this point in your career, you should be able to earn enough income to put a down payment on a house, save for retirement, or buy all the organic groceries you want without having to work your fingers (literally) to the bone.
You deserve to be able to afford to get your own bodywork — without trading, without swapping — whenever it feels right for you.
You deserve to be able to do your healing work and have a successful, profitable bodywork business without feeling like you’re burning out or selling out.
But before you can confidently build that practice filled with clients who value your work and are invested in their own healing journey, there are
Myth #1: Exceptional hands-on skills will fill your practice.
I’m betting that you started on this bodywork practitioner path to be of service and to help others feel better.
A couple months (or years) in, and you’re still pretty much right where you started when you were fresh out of school.
You’ve got the knowledge, understanding, and wisdom you need to work with the human body in all of its infinite wonder — and you’ve got fantastic therapeutic skills — but you still don’t have a sustainable business.
…is that it takes so much more than ‘great hands’ to make a go of it in your bodywork practice.
You need to genuinely understand how to create a business foundation that will grow and evolve as you grow and evolve.
And you need confidence to double down on a super clear “first do this, then do that” practice-building system that gives you visible results and motivates you to keep taking those steps toward your ideal practice.
Myth #2: You need to be constantly hustling to find new clients.
Of course you need to find new clients for your work, especially when you’re just starting out.
But you might be spending so dang much time trying to find new clients, that you’re not giving your current clients a top-notch experience that produces amazing results for them.
You’re so busy trying to do ALLTHETHINGS — networking groups, running Groupon deals, offering discounts — that you miss the best marketing that money can’t buy: referrals from your current clients who are your Raving Fans.
…is that your energy is so much better spent learning exactly what you need to do to create a *premium client experience* that provides exceptional value and results for your current clients, so they start to tell everyone they know about you and your remarkable work.
Then before you know it, you'll become the ‘go-to’ therapist in your area for the work you do, with a wait list of people who want to work with you.
Myth #3: An advanced certification will translate into a thriving business.
It seems so unfair.
You spend thousands and thousands of dollars and hours and hours and hours completing an advanced degree or certification, and kudos to you!
You LOVE the work, you know it’s valuable, and you can’t wait to share it with those who need it.
But no one even knows what it is.
You’ve done all this work, taken all these classes, and you still don’t have the clients you thought you would.
…is, no matter how advanced you are in your modality, you’re still going to have to get the word out about it. You’re still going to have to connect with the people who will benefit from the work. You’re still going to have to know what to say when a client asks, “When should I come back in?”
You need honest, intentional, step-by-step guidance and business support so that your day-to-day reality of your practice can finally match your vision.
Myth #4: You need to be a Technology Wiz, video personality, or flashy social media influencer to earn a livable income in the bodywork industry.
Let me guess.
You’re completely overwhelmed and intimidated by all the online noise out there.
And sometimes you feel like you’ve totally missed the boat — because even when you spend the time to create a really awesome blog or Facebook post, or hilarious tweet, and even when you get more than a few dozen ‘likes’ on it, you still don’t get any new clients from your efforts.
…is that personal, genuine, one-to-one connection will do more to fill your practice than any technology out there.
But you need a consistent, intentional plan of action that you can follow - day by day - to attract those clients who will resonate with you and your work, without forcing yourself to become some kind of online personality that you’re just not.
Myth #5: If you can’t figure this out on your own, something is definitely wrong with you.
I’m just going to put it out there.
If it was possible to create a successful, sustainable bodywork practice on your own, I would have done it. I’m a pull-yourself-up-by-the-bootstraps kind of gal, and I take great pride in going all in.
But here’s the thing.
You’ll make so much more progress when you receive thoughtful guidance from someone who has taken the time to get to know you and your business, and can make specific suggestions to move your forward.
You’ll actually be able to stop trying to google your way to a thriving bodywork practice.
The TRUTH...
… is nobody in this industry does it on their own.
You know those therapists out there that you really admire?
They’ve ALL gotten support around the business side of their practices. (Yup, even me.)
You need individualized guidance from someone who has gone before you and done what you want to do. And you need support, feedback, and accountability from a small, dedicated group of like-minded, big-hearted therapists who want you to succeed.
Nothing will move your practice forward faster.
The good news is…
Building a Profitable, Sustainable Massage or Bodywork Practice
by Creating a Rock Solid Business Foundation
is Easier (and More Critical) Than Ever
If you’ve made it this far, you ALREADY know that having a grounded business framework for your practice is absolutely crucial to the success of your business.
No need to remind you of that 💁🏼♀️
But maybe you didn’t know that by building your business using The Bodywork Project™ system that I’m about to share with you, you’ll also have the power to:
Confidently raise your prices with intention and integrity, knowing that you are worth every penny.
Attract clients who resonate with you and your work, who are willing to invest in themselves and their wellness.
Enjoy the comfort and ease of knowing that you have plenty of income to pay your bills, support your family, and donate to causes you care about.
Teach classes and workshops that will serve your clients, write that book that you’ve got inside you, or create new integrative partnerships with other practitioners.
YES, these outcomes are totally within reach for you and your business (whether you’re just starting out or have been around the block a time or two)…
…but they DO depend on taking an intentional, proven, step-by-step approach.
One that combines crystal clear instruction and easy-to-follow materials with personalized support and answers around your most burning questions and sticky situations.
One that’s helped all types of bodyworkers, who practice countless modalities, build unique, intentional practices that support both your soul and your bottom line.
One that you’ll excitedly point back to a few months from now when you open your appointment book and see a full client schedule staring back at you.
Who the Heck Am I to Tell You All This?
Hey, hey there! Mindy Totten here.
And when I’m not traveling the world, bingeing Outlander, or hanging out on the beach with my husband, Ranald, and our amazing redbone coonhound, George the Wonderdog…
…I’m hanging out in my Zone of Genius, coaching massage and bodywork therapists like you on the business side of your practice so you can do the work you truly love and still pay your mortgage.
I’ve been deep in the trenches of this marvelous, wondrous, wacky bodywork industry for 20 years (and counting!) with my own 6-figure CranioSacral Therapy practice, and through my work coaching and mentoring other therapists.
I’ve been a teacher all my life — computer software (really!) English and humanities in international schools, CranioSacral Therapy classes — so I know what it means to genuinely connect and teach not only what you need to do, but also how the heck to do it.
My favorite compliment I’ve ever received is when one of my students called me a humorous Yoda.
✨ The Force is strong in this one. ✨
Through the years, I’ve helped hundreds of bodywork practitioners go from “I don’t think I can do this,” to “My business is totally crushing it!”
And I’ve done it without shaming, blaming, or asking anyone to attend a single Alternative Health Fair.
Meaning that you get to enjoy a thriving practice, filled with clients you love, who are invested in their wellness, instead of feeling like there must be something wrong with you for not being able to somehow magically manifest your dream business.
And if you’re still with me, then I couldn’t be more excited to introduce you to my signature experience,
The Bodywork Project™
The Bodywork Project is the only program designed by a bodyworker, exclusively for bodyworkers,
that gives you BOTH the tools you need to understand what you need to do
to create a thriving, intentional practice, and the support you need to show you
how to take what you’ve learned and implement it in your business.
But underneath, it’s about YOU — stepping into your power as the Pro and CEO of your practice,
becoming a part of a like-minded, supportive community,
and building a business that allows you to fulfill your higher purpose.
Since 2014 I’ve been in the trenches, mentoring and coaching massage and bodywork therapists just like you.
Practitioners who’ve struggled to gain traction with their businesses, no matter how many certifications, degrees, or licenses they earn.
Practitioners tired of wasting precious time and energy chasing hyped-up promises about the “next big thing” that’s going to be a magic pill for all their business woes.
Practitioners who despite joining multiple free online groups and forums are no closer to their goals, and are frankly getting tired of the complainer-downer vibe. And…
Practitioners, who despite temporary setbacks, recognize that there’s still no getting around this “business building” thing, and are therefore motivated as-all-get-out to finally achieve the momentum and growth that they know they need.
The Result Is…
The Bodywork Project™
a COMPLETE, easy-to-follow program that gives you
a crystal clear, step-by-step roadmap
for creating and sustaining a profitable bodywork practice.
Here’s how it all breaks down:
Module 1. Business Clarity
This is where you’ll not only create your unique vision for your perfect practice, but you’ll also get the support and gentle guidance to (finally) take an honest look at the health of your business.
Remember, the main reason you get overwhelmed with all the pieces of trying to build your practice is because you don’t have clarity about exactly where you are or where you want to be.
By the time you’re finished with Module 1, you’ll not only be super clear about the current state of your business and where you want to take it, but you’ll also have a stronger sense of who you truly are, what you truly desire, and what you uniquely have to offer the world.
Here’s how we’ll get you there:
Getting Clear. You'll kick off TBP by articulating the WHY of your business, so that as you design your perfect practice, you'll remain in alignment with your higher calling. You'll also create an ideal week in your practice with all the clients and free time you want!
Becoming Great at What You Do. Mastery is at the heart of the work you do, and I’ll teach you how to find a path to Mastery that works for YOU without the burnout that is so common in our industry.
Your Exhale Number. How much baseline income do you actually need to earn to make a go of it in your practice? You'll use the Exhale Number Calculator I created to take a closer look at your numbers (and possibly find out that things are not as bad as you thought).
Make It Solid. Now it’s time to make it real. You'll begin to connect the dots and make a plan forward from where you are to where you want to be, so that you can stop spinning your wheels and start seeing real progress in your business.
Goals and Benchmarks. Once you've determined the way forward, you’ll need guideposts to make sure you're headed in the right direction. You'll discover why setting and hitting your goals has been so slippery, and you'll learn a new way to set goals that will get you where you want to go faster --> the lifestyle you were hoping for when you went to bodywork school in the first place, while allowing you to create more long-term sustainability and stability.
Module 2. Designing a Boutique Business.
You now have a better sense of where you are in your practice, and where you want to go. Now it's time to discover the concrete action steps you can take to move toward that Perfect Practice.
Rather than getting caught up in the hype of tips and tricks and strategies to frantically try to grow your business from the outside, by the end of Module 2, you’re going to create such a remarkable experience for your ideal clients that THEY become your best marketers. And YOU can focus on doing the work you love with the people you love.
Here’s how we’ll get you there:
The Client Journey. You'll learn a simple overview of the Customer Journey so you can more deeply understand how your peeps go from strangers to your favorite clients. Then you can better serve them and stop trying to be ‘everything to everyone.’
The Boutique Business Model that teaches you how to create a premium experience for your ideal clients -- so you can charge premium prices for premium services, and your clients will say that you are worth every penny.
Become the Pro and CEO of Your Business. Next, you’ll set yourself apart from the other therapists in your town as you step into your power as a true bodywork professional (without trying to be something you're not), and gain the confidence to be more than “just a massage therapist.” You’re now the CEO of your business.
Raving Fans. Ready to fill your practice with Raving Fans who do most of the marketing for you? You’ll learn how to lay the foundation for genuine connection with your clients through your unique gifts and talents.
Ideal Client Experience. Finally, you'll create a step-by-step plan to give your clients a premium experience (from the first time they contact you until they become regulars who tell everyone they know about your awesomeness).
Module 3. Marketing from the Heart.
Only after you’ve got a clear vision and the pieces in place for an amazing client experience is it time to jump into marketing.
By the end of this module, you’ll stop thinking about marketing as "I have to do all the things to fill my practice because I'm really scared because I don't know much about marketing, and nothing I ever do really works anyway because I'm not sure what I'm doing and I just wish this would all go away…” and you’ll start to approach your marketing from your heart.
Here’s how we’ll get you there:
Focus on the Client. You’ll start off by making a big shift that will have a profound impact on your marketing efforts, as you learn why it's crucial to put the spotlight on those you would like to serve, rather than on yourself in your marketing materials.
What Do You Do? If you’ve ever struggled to explain your work (especially if you practice a specialized modality) you'll love this easy-to-use process for telling people what you do in a way that feels authentic and genuine, and that goes beyond, "I'm a massage therapist."
Your Ideal Client. You'll learn my unique approach to figuring out who your Ideal Client is, and why you resonate with one another. Then I’ll show you how to tailor your marketing materials to reflect this resonance.
Your Pink Spoon. You'll create a way for potential clients to get a taste of what it’s like to work with you, so that they are more engaged in their healing and wellness, and so you end up attracting the exact people you want to work with.
Your Unique Marketing Plan. Finally, you'll begin creating your Unique Marketing Plan, a plan that works for YOU, based on your unique energy, strengths, and interests.
Module 4. Creating Connection.
At this point, you’re actually beginning to feel good about marketing your business! Woot!
And you’re noticing that you’re not only seeing more new clients, but your current clients are coming in more often for sessions with you. Double-woot!
Creating Connection asks that you do two things -- staying in touch with folks who have shown interest in you and your work, and actually inviting them to work with you.
By the time you complete this module, you’ll have a strategy for growing your practice that aligns with your heart without having to engage in any slimy, pushy sales techniques.
Here’s how we’ll get you there:
Building Relationships. In this lesson, you’ll learn to grow your business through fostering genuine relationships with potential clients, offering kindness and value, whether they decide to work with you or not.
Keeping in Touch. You know that email newsletter you’ve been trying to get started? Or the blogs you write that nobody seems to read? Enough of that. You’re going to learn how to create a simple, manageable system for staying in touch with your clients without feeling nauseous every time you even think about it.
Your Call to Action. Instead of "selling," feeling like you’re going to pass out just from the idea of seeming pushy or aggressive, you'll learn to offer What's Next? for your clients, giving them more value and better results from your work together.
Website Basics. It’s time to move your web presence off of some huge site where you’re listed alongside a gazillion other therapists, and create your own. I’ll teach you about the few basic pages you'll need to have maximum impact without all the tech headaches.
Getting Referrals. Then, you'll optimize your referral sources, which you can decide to do in an informal way, or through a referral program that works to attract your ideal clients.
Module 5. Building Momentum.
It's happening. Your practice is growing, your income is stabilizing, and your clients are getting excellent results. You can finally stop holding your breath because you’re gaining momentum, and by the end of this module, you’ll be ready to take things to a whole new level.
It’s all about scaling up your practice in a way that resonates with your heart so that you can serve more people with authenticity and integrity.
Here’s how we’ll get you there:
Start Building Momentum. Now that you’re seeing more people in your practice (you’ve even had to start a Wait List!) consistency is key: I’ll teach you how to avoid the Feast or Famine cycle that is so common with bodyworkers.
Your Offerings. You’ll get a framework for creating packages that sell (going beyond the discounted series package) to packages that showcase all that you do to serve your clients. You’ll even learn how to create online offerings so you can continue to serve your clients (and earn revenue) even if you can’t see your clients in person.
Letting a Client Go. No matter how hard you try to attract your ideal people, there will inevitably be times you need to part ways with a client. I’ll show you how to do it with grace and ease, and even give you a script you can use for these difficult conversations.
Making a Pivot. If you’re like me, your career may not go in a straight line! In this lesson, you'll learn how to change direction in your business without losing all your clients in the process. And yup, I’ve got a template you can use to share the change with your peeps.
Multiple Streams of Income. You’ll get a blueprint for moving away from 1-to-1 offerings and toward 1-to-many so that you can help more people without burning yourself out in the process. You’ll feel confident about creating workshops, trainings, classes, programs - if it’s in your heart, you’ll be able to create and deliver it!
Module 6. Managing Your Success.
You’re in the homestretch now!
By this point, you’re well ahead of the curve with your practice-building, and it feels great!
What relief to have a steady stream of clients you love working with. You’ve worked hard and it’s paying off — BIG TIME.
Here’s the thing no one wants to tell you, a big secret that most practitioners never figure out:
It’s the little things that keep a practice humming along.
By the end of this module, you’ll have the pieces in place to keep enjoying the level of success you've worked so hard for.
Here’s how we’re going to get you there:
Manage Your Practice. You’ll get individualized guidance from me on how to schedule your time so that you're not working late into the night, on weekends, or on holidays, and can instead spend more time with the people you love doing the things you love to do.
Your Cancellation Policy. A solid cancellation policy you can enforce with ease and that feels good to you AND your clients is one of the toughest boundaries for most bodyworkers to create. You’ll be able to write yours lickety-split with templates and scripts inside this lesson.
Keeping Track. While others fiddle around with their business finances with the same puzzled look as a new student in massage school on their first day of anatomy class, you’ll be developing a simple tracking system you can use to keep your momentum going.
Business Projections. One of the questions I hear most often is “but what if something goes wrong?” (Like, I don’t know… maybe a global pandemic?) In this lesson, you’ll learn how to project your revenue and plan for expected (and unexpected) highs and lows.
Business Milestones and Stillpoints. You’ve worked so hard, and now you’ll actually be able to “Celebrate Good Times, Come On!” and take a Business Stillpoint once in a while, knowing that the clients (and the income) will be there when you return.
And when you enroll during this special limited time period,
you’ll also receive these amazing, worth-the-price-of-admission-on-their-own bonuses:
Raise Your Rates Masterclass
Increase your prices using my step-by-step process for increasing your prices with intention and integrity. It doesn’t have to be so painful — I’ll show you how to do it with simplicity and grace. (Value: $397)
Business Toolkit
Everything you need to communicate with your clients with ease is at your fingertips with my most popular download filled with done-for-you templates, scripts, letters, forms, and more. (Value: $127)
How to Create Online Offerings
This training shows you how to get paid for your expertise, even when you can’t do your hands-on work, so you can have a variety of offerings, now and in the future. (Value $397)
Getting Things Done
I share my ninja-productivity secrets and the tools you need to jumpstart your organization and focus your efforts, so you can hit the ground running and start up-leveling your practice today. (Value: $397)
Private Mentoring Call with Mindy
Let’s talk it out, just the two of us.
On this 30-minute, 1x1 call, we’ll dive deep into your business, and you’ll leave the call with the next-steps you need to take to get your practice to the next level. And you’ll be able to get even MORE value out of The Bodywork Project.
You’ll not only get my eyes on your business, but we’ll have a chance to talk through your biggest sticking points, whether it’s mindset stuff, raising your prices, fine-tuning your offerings, or even if you don’t know WHAT the problem is, you and I can figure it out. Together.
The fee for this private call is usually $350, but you’ll get it FREE if you enroll in The Bodywork Project.
I’m giving you the opportunity to enroll in
The Bodywork Project™
Here’s why you need to get The Bodywork Project™
We all wish we ALREADY had a successful bodywork practice, one that allows us to serve others and make a great living, too.
But to get to that sweet spot, we need to take stock of where we are TODAY and resolve to take the actions that will get us where we need to go.
Otherwise, we self-sabotage and languish for another year.
And since you’re reading this, I certainly don’t want that for you.
I don’t want you to look back in 6 or even 12 months from now without a rock-solid foundation for the business side of your practice and a steady stream of ideal clients you love working with, wondering what could’ve been if you had only taken action.
I want you to love going into your office and treatment room every day, confident not only in your ability to deliver outstanding therapy, but also confident that you’re building a profitable, successful bodywork business that will provide for you and your family.
And I want you to thank yourself for the decision you made today.
Burning questions your fellow massage and bodywork therapists asked
before saying YES to The Bodywork Project™
Q: I want to do this, but I’m already spread way too thin. How much time is this going to take?
Boy, do I hear you! Time is a precious resource, especially as a bodywork therapist who spends time every day working 1x1 with clients.
Between the scheduling, networking (and laundry!) there simply becomes a point when you reach your limit and can't squeeze One. More. Person. into your schedule. That's when you need a strategy to increase your Return On Time. We'll help you do that inside The Bodywork Project.
Each module of the program is broken up into short lessons that you can learn and implement in as little as 25 minutes a day. Or you can go Mindy-style and binge the entire module in one sitting.
If you really want to squeeze all the awesomeness out of this program, I recommend about 3-5 hours per week. Every hour you invest in designing and building a solid business foundation will pay off exponentially for your practice.
As a time-starved practitioner trying to have a business AND a life, committing this time is the smartest and most valuable way to invest your energy.
Q: I want to be a part of this, but I can't make the calls on Thursdays.
No problem!
All calls are on Thursdays, for an hour, beginning at NOON EST.
Each call is recorded, and you’ll have the opportunity to ask your questions into the online community forum before the call. I’ll answer your questions on the call, then you can go back and listen to the recording when it fits into your schedule.
Q: Isn’t marketing and sales the most important part of having a successful practice?
Marketing and sales are just individual pieces of the larger picture of building your businesses.
What you’ll learn over the next 8 weeks (and beyond) is how to build the business FOUNDATION that is critical for any successful massage or bodywork practice.
Unfortunately, this is also the step that most practitioners will skip.
This is your invitation to create the strong foundation you need to build your business in an intentional, sustainable way.
Q: I’ve read tons of books and articles about how to be a solopreneur. How is this any different?
So have I, and I’ve got nothing against them 🙆♀️
But my mission in The Bodywork Project is extremely focused on exactly what it takes to get you results as a bodywork therapist:
Materials and information created with one goal: to get your bodywork business where you want it to be, ASAP. No useless case studies, no strategies that don’t apply to the unique work you do. Just straight-up business know-how for you and your practice.
Personalized feedback and answers to your questions from me, and a like-minded community to offer you support and accountability.
A program designed BY a bodyworker, specifically FOR bodyworkers who are ready to go all-in on their practices so you can do the work you know in your heart you were meant to do.
Q: I feel like I suck at business. Are you sure I can learn this stuff?
The skills you need to build a flourishing bodywork business are LEARNABLE skills. And just like no one expected you to learn your healing modality on your own, of course you’ll need some guidance and support on the learning the whole business side, too.
Because here’s the thing:
No matter HOW much temporary discomfort or self-doubt you may be experiencing right now, as a skilled, big-hearted therapist, I believe you were BORN to succeed.
That’s why I’ve designed every aspect of The Bodywork Project to help you unlock your innate and natural Inner Business Wisdom.
By the time you’re done, you’ll not only be rocking a thriving bodywork business, but you’ll be living your higher purpose as the therapist you were born to be.
Q: How long before I can see results?
It depends.
Sometimes you have crystal clarity about where you and your practice are and where you want to be, and you just need some support and a few tweaks in your plan to get you there. If you roll up your sleeves and jump right in, you'll begin to see shifts within a month or two.
Sometimes, you're just beginning to overhaul your business, and you need to build a solid foundation from the ground up. Then it can take longer -- 6 months to 3 years or more to get to the place where your bodywork business is self-sustaining.
You're probably somewhere in between. By implementing the strategies from The Bodywork Project, most students make solid progress (that you can feel) in 3-6 months after you complete the program.
Q: Can you remind me on what I’m getting when I enroll today?
√ Immediate access to all the course modules, training videos, and materials
√ LIVE Office Hours calls with Mindy. You’ll have access to our Monthly Office Hours calls for an ENTIRE YEAR. You’ll also have the opportunity to join our weekly Office Hours calls for 6 weeks twice a year when we go through the material together. In total, you’ll get access to at least 22 one-hour group calls during the year.
√ Immediate access to all the program BONUSES: Getting Things Done Masterclass; Raise Your Rates with Intention + Integrity Masterclass; How to Create Online Offerings Training; the Business Toolkit.
√ FAST-ACTION BONUS: 30-minute Private Mentoring call with Mindy. The call is valued at $350, but you’ll get it FREE.
Not sure you’re ready for The Bodywork Project™?
Here’s how to decide…
The Bodywork Project may NOT be for you if...
#1. You're looking for the secret formula to take your practice from 0 to 6 figures overnight.
The thing they don't tell you in bodywork school is that it takes some effort to create a thriving business.
To take your practice to the next level, you need a clear plan forward, and focused, consistent action to get you there.
It's really a matter of reaching out for support, and if you consistently implement the steps to get you where you want to go, little by little, day by day, you WILL get there.
#2. You already have an average monthly income of $10K or more each and every month.
If that's the case -- You go! 👊
The Bodywork Project still has lots to offer you to help you serve even more people and have a bigger impact, including leveraging your work so that you can work less, earn more, and reach more people.
But at this stage of your business, unless you'd welcome the support and accountability from a group of remarkable therapists, The Bodywork Project is probably not for you.
#3. You don't have a bodywork license yet, and you're not really sure whether you want to do this work or not.
If you're not already a practicing therapist looking to uplevel your practice so you can serve more people AND make a great living doing it, The Bodywork Project is likely not for you.
Inside The Bodywork Project, you'll be part of an amazing community of practitioners who are passionate about the work they do AND about making massive strides in their businesses.
You'll be a perfect fit if you're in it for the long haul, not if it's still more of a hobby for you.
But... on the other hand...
You’re ready to step into your power
and create your ideal practice with The Bodywork Project if:
You're still in the first year of your business, and you want to hit the ground running with proven business strategies, step-by-step plans, and real support so you can absolutely nail a successful practice right out of the gate.
You've been hustling to grow your practice for months (or even years) but you haven’t attracted the clients you were hoping for… and some of the clients you do see don’t even seem to really value your work.
You’ve got excellent hands-on skills: Sure, you may feel doubt creep up now and again, but you know in your heart that that this is the work you are meant to do.
You have no problem rolling up your sleeves and putting in the work as long as you know that you're getting a strong return on TIME and ENERGY that will bring you closer to your goal of more consistent $2K, $5K, or $10K months in your business.
In fact, you already spend time each week actively trying to grow your business, and you want to make sure all the things you're doing are keeping you on the path to your Ideal Practice.
With everything so crazy in our world right now, you're ready for the ease and freedom that come when you have a community of people supporting you, so you're not stuck on your own trying to figure it all out.
You’re aware of all the people that can be helped by the work you do — people just waiting for you to get over your fears. And you’re double excited that The Bodywork Project includes BONUSES like the Raise Your Rates Masterclass: How to Increase Your Prices with Intention and Integrity, a training that will guide you through the exact process that my students and I have used for years to raise fees with ease and grace.
You’re excited to try The Bodywork Project method. Even if you’ve been side-tracked and let down before, you’re currently feeling a wave of renewed optimism, knowing that by this time tomorrow, you can be plugging yourself into and easy-to-follow, yet super effective process for building a solid business foundation so you and your practice can soar.
If you caught yourself nodding your head to at least 5 of the 8 points above, then this program is perfect for you,
and I cannot wait to meet you inside The Bodywork Project.
So… are you going to be able to keep your practice doors
open long enough to be of genuine service to others
doing the work you love?
That’s the crucial question we began this whole conversation with.
You now have the power to answer it with total confidence.
Because when you enroll in The Bodywork Project, and start putting the pieces in place to build a solid business foundation for your practice, you’ll create a profitable, sustainable bodywork business that allows you to do the work you love, make the world a touch kinder, and make a great living doing it.
Your time is NOW.
You want to do the work you love.
You want to help make the world a touch better.
And you want to be able to make a good living doing it.
The Bodywork Project is here for you.
If you have any questions or concerns at all, just let us know.
Please contact: