EP 60: Getting Clarity in Your Business During Uncertain Times with Ntathu Allen


With the world around us feeling like things are changing daily (hourly!) it is important to keep perspective and take time to be still.

On today’s episode, I have a wonderful conversation with Ntathu Allen, a yoga and meditation teacher and author. She shares her wisdom on taking the time to take care of ourselves as bodyworkers and healers.

And she gives suggestions for getting clear around your business, even when everything around you may be up in the air.

She reminds us we can only serve as much as we serve ourselves.

Ntathu shares her wisdom on how to be grateful of your power as a healer and even mentions what perspective she gained from her stint as a waitress at a health center.

“There are so many external demands right now, and it’s so easy to get swept along with that current. Come back to yourself.”

– Ntathu Allen

This week on the Do It With Intention Podcast:

  • Understanding the power of “going within” in order to bring awareness to your thoughts.

  • Lessons Ntathu and I have learned from taking the time to acknowledge daily gratitude.

  • How being able to see yourself from your clients’ point of view can remind you of how far you’ve come in your business.

  • Why keeping in mind that we have to heal ourselves before we can heal the world is so important to keep focused while working toward social justice.

Resources from this episode:

Ntathu helps entrepreneurs and leaders take good care of themselves, so they gracefully grow, expand, and flourish in their personal and professional lives – without burnout.


Ready to go from surviving to thriving in your bodywork business?

I know you may feel exhausted right now, trying to do All. The. Things. to get new clients.

But what if you didn’t have to spend all your time trying to bring new clients in the door? What if there was a better way to fill your massage or bodywork practice?

I invite you to join me for a FREE masterclass: How to Grow Your Bodywork Business Without Constantly Hustling for New Clients!

Grow Your Business is an on-demand training where you’ll learn 3 key strategies you need to grow your massage or bodywork business with integrity and intention. (no sleazy pushy sales tactics!)

You’ll learn a better way to fill your practice so you can do the work you love and make a great living doing it. Join me today!

Thanks for tuning into the Do It With Intention podcast! Get more inside scoop on creating a profitable and sustainable massage or bodywork business by connecting with me on my website for even more resources you can use, and be sure to share your favorite episodes on social media.

Now it’s time to get out there, build your business, and DO IT WITH INTENTION.

Other ways to enjoy this episode:

Mindy Totten