Raise Your Rates Masterclass
You’ve got the experience and the skills to have the thriving practice that you dreamed of. But you’re working all the time and feel like you still barely keep your head above water.
And the thing is, you don’t need to find new clients to earn the income you need…
You don’t need to learn a new modality or another expensive certification…
You know what you need to do, but it’s REALLY scary to think about, and besides, you don’t even know how to begin…
You need to
Raise. Your. Prices.
Imagine feeling that you and your work are valued and respected by ALL of your clients…
Imagine the freedom of knowing that you’ll be able to pay all your bills, AND put money aside for a house, retirement, or a dream trip…
Imagine the relief you’ll feel when you can work with fewer clients, and earn even MORE income…
But it’s really scary: what if you raise your prices and all your clients leave?
I have the perfect solution for you.
Introducing… the Raise Your Rates Masterclass
is a Ready-To-Implement System to Help You Raise Your Prices with Intention & Integrity
… and you can start TODAY.
I’m going to walk you through my exact system for:
√ How I raise my prices, consistently and fairly, without freaking out my clients,
√ How I tell my existing client base about the change, so they have plenty of time to work it into their budgets,
√ And even how they get so excited about the change that they pre-pay me for the coming months!
One of the biggest challenges bodyworkers face is raising prices because you’re not sure how to do it. And you’re afraid your clients are going to leave to find someone who charges less.
And let’s face it — it feels scary, you feel vulnerable, and your confidence continues to spiral lower and lower.
You have trouble growing your businesses because you’re playing the price competition game with other therapists, and that’s just a losing formula.
I designed the Raise Your Rates Masterclass to walk you step-by-step through the entire process of increasing your prices.
Raise Your Rates doesn’t just teach high-level theory, then leave you to figure out how to implement it all on your own. I’m handing over my entire price increase system, including done-for-you templates, checklists, calculators, and other tools so you can raise your prices and get paid what you're worth.
Lean into my 19+ years of experience as a practitioner and as the owner of a private practice. I know what it's like to be a therapist — I know the pitfalls and mistakes to avoid because I’ve made so many of them myself!
Now, with the Raise Your Rates Masterclass, you can raise your prices with ease.
And the best part? With this piece of the puzzle in place, you have a repeatable strategy you can implement over and over again, whenever you are ready to increase your rates, for the LIFETIME of your business!