Are You Making These Mistakes in Your Practice?

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I love to hear what's been working and what's not working for you in your business, and there are some common mistakes that I see over and over with bodywork practitioners.

Take a look and see if you struggle with any of these:

1. Undercharging for your services.

This is a biggy. Either you're just starting out and don't know what to charge, or you are afraid to raise your prices, but one thing's for sure -- you feel undervalued. And you're having a hard time seeing how you can sustain your business for the long haul.

2. Not knowing how to ask a client to rebook.

Sure, you've read the articles and gotten the advice: everything from "Just assume they'll rebook!" to slick phrases that feel kind of manipulative and yucky when you try to say them. But you haven't come up with an authentic way to guide clients to a place where they feel comfortable rebooking with you, and you feel comfortable asking.

3. Not keeping in touch with clients and prospective clients.

This piece may feel counterintuitive, but it's crucial. So many of the "experts" give you great advice about getting out there! networking! social media! that you feel overwhelmed and scattered. And then you ignore staying in touch with people that you really have connected with, and they tend to fall by the wayside.

Are you making these mistakes in your practice?

We address all these areas in The Bodywork Project, and we do it with the support and community of a small group.

The group helps by making suggestions for one another, bouncing ideas off each other for feedback, role-playing, and following up during the week. And it's all done in a space of confidence and safety, allowing you to really go deep to figure some of this out.

You don't have to do this alone.

Each 8-week class is limited to just ten students so that you have the chance to really be heard and lifted up by others on the same journey.

The class has been a huge hit, and I think it's not only because of the material and topics we cover.

It's also because when you are a part of a small group of like-minded therapists, hand-picked by me, you can really soar, knowing that you are being held in a space of love, support, and accountability.

You learn what the next steps are that you need to take to make your practice take off, and with the help of the others in the group, you take those next steps with ease and grace.

And did I mention we have a whole lot of fun?

The fastest and easiest way to grow your practice is to get the support you need. You don't have to do it alone. We're here for you!