Before You Do Anything Else to Grow Your Massage or Bodywork Business, Do This First.
In my last blog, we talked about how important it is to figure out what stage you are in as you build your massage or bodywork practice.
Because your next steps toward a successful business will be different, depending on where you are on your journey.
For example, it doesn’t make sense to invest tons of time or money into something like a sophisticated branding package if you’re just starting out and don’t really know what you want to focus on.
No matter which stage you are currently in as you build your practice, there’s one thing you need to do RIGHT NOW to grow your bodywork business, and that’s to show up for your people 100%.
Stepping into your power as a Pro + CEO means that you step up your game. You go the extra mile. You create a safe container and are present for your people.
Let’s talk a little more about creating a safe container in your practice.
You probably already do this in your treatment modality — you hold space for healing to happen in a safe, professional environment. But what about the business side of your practice?
It’s just as important to create a safe container for your practice so that you show up for your people 100% and make their entire experience with you one that nurtures trust and well-being.
Here are 3 things to have in place TODAY before you do any more marketing for your business:
Do you have a clear list of policies for your practice?
Are they written out so clients and potential clients can read them and know what to expect from your work together?
Do you have clients read and sign that they understand your policies BEFORE you begin working together?
Do your policies include a clear cancellation policy that you enforce?
Have you included what happens if a client shows up late?
Clear Pricing.
Are your prices clear, and in writing?
Are you consistent? Do you charge the same prices for all your clients? (If not, it’s time to work on your consistency.)
Do you accept tips? Do your clients know this? Have it in writing.
What forms of payment do you accept?
Are gift certificates or packages transferable? Do you have that in writing so it is clear to your clients?
What happens after a client sees you for the first time?
Do you make an individualized recommendation to each client about how to move forward?
How do you ask clients to re-book?
How do you confirm appointments with clients so that there are no misunderstandings?
These details are so, SO important, and often make the difference between a practice that is successful and one that is barely scraping by.
Even if you’re at the very beginning of this marvelous bodyworker journey, and you only have one or two clients, you can take steps to get these pieces into place.
Then, when clients DO come in to see you, there will be so much more ease around re-booking and making the commitment to work with you to facilitate their healing.
Do these things FIRST, and you’ll be able to show up for your clients like the Pro + CEO that you know you can be.